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Violinmaking and Software


I am involved in exclusively making new violins, violas and cellos for over forty years.
Even as a young assistant violin maker, practicing making new instruments always had a stronger appeal to me than restoring and repairing old instruments and selling them. And yet how unsatisfying were the results when i tried to approach the designs of the old masters! There were so many unanswered questions…

Making Of

Before I became a violinmaker - at a time when there was still no internet - I would have liked such insights into making of an instrument.


Are you interested in an instrument from my workshop? Some clues that will help you in your choice of an instrument.


You are looking for a second-hand instrument?
On this page I offer you the opportunity to purchase an instrument from my workshop from a private individual.


Learn more about the complementary tool for the documentation system of IPCI-Canada.